"Shoots", a Project of dance and music

"Shoots", a Project of dance and music

Online activity free of charge

From 6.30 to 7.30 pm
Museu Nacional Youtube channel

Activity free of charge


Shoots is an inspection project of what surrounds us, by Magí Serra and Arnau Obiols. It is a research in the territory, with people and places that have a close relationship, to bring to the stage what we have all touched and stepped on at some time. Arnau Obiols and Magí Serra have grown up alongside traditional music and dance and have trained and worked in the contemporary world.

The Shoots project was born from a strong connection with the land, understood in a broad and cross-cutting sense. Although the known visual and symbolic boundaries should not limit us, the project is limited to the Catalan territory in order to focus energies in a specific and close field.

We encourage you to view "Shoots", a Project of dance and music on the occasion of the exhibition:

Activity organised based around the temporary exhibition Son. Imprints and figurations in Valls d'Àneu. An intervention by oriol vilapuig.



"Brots", un projecte de dansa i música