To know more about the drawings, prints and posters

To know more about the drawings, prints and posters


The collection of drawings, prints and posters allows the creative adventures of major authors in the history of Catalan art to be reconstructed, especially from the end of the 18th century onwards.  In 1775, the Escola Gratuïta de Disseny i Nobles Arts of Barcelona was constructed, known also as the Llotja (The market exchange), a place of reference for academics in Catalonia.  The museum conserves numerous works by artists from the 19th century linked to this school, such as Josep Bernat Flaugier, Vicent Rodés, Claudi Lorenzale and Ramon Martí Alsina, and of family sagas - the Planella or the Rigalt, that reflect everything from neoclassicism to realism.

It is worth noting the presence in the Cabinet of the main Catalan Baroque painter: Antoni Viladomat, as well as a group of altar designs from the collection of César Martinell, that allows you to get close to the study of Catalan altarpieces from the 17th and 18th century. Marià Fortuny, of whom more than 2,200 works are conserved of drawings and prints, is one of the most represented artists in the extensive collection.  Next to him there are 30 drawings by the history painter Eduardo Rosales, acquired in 1912, which are related to El testament d’Isabel la Catòlica and The death of Lucrècia, two of his most paradigmatic historical compositions. 

The poster is one of the star supports of the collection, thanks to the large production during the Modernist and Noucentista periods.  More than 700 posters allow us to see works by Alexandre de Riquer or Ramon Casas, one of the most illustrious creators of Modernisme.  From this artist it is worth highlighting the famous series of portraits in charcoal, an authentic iconographic gallery of the Catalonia of the time, donated by the author himself in 1909 and made up of some 200 works. 

Isidre Nonell, with more than 150 compositions, and Joaquim Mir are two other notable artists in the Cabinet.  Regarding the avant-garde movements, Juli González is one of the most well represented, thanks to the donation of more than 150 drawings by his daughter Roberta in 1972.  Names such as Carles Casagemas, Jaume Sans or Antoni Garcia Lamolla are complemented with the presence of two major creators of contemporary art: Salvador Dalí or Joan Miró.

The collection is the result of the activity of private collectors, such as the writer and critic Raimon Casellas (in Spanish) – his collection was acquired in 1911, as well as the efforts of Lluís Plandiura (in Spanish) and Alexandre de Riquer in the collection of modern art.

Dibuixos i gravats - Catàleg