Vicente López, Portrait of the Marquis of Labrador

Vicent López Portaña - Retrat del marquès de Labrador, ambaixador espanyol al Congrés de Viena de 1814-1815 - Madrid, cap a 1833-1834

Vicente López, Portrait of the Marquis of Labrador


Vicente López, Portrait of the Marquis of Labrador

The book doesn't only reveal the prestige of the person portrayed, but often talks to us about his or her profession. Pedro Gómez-Havela Labrador, Marquis of Labrador, diplomat by career and ambassador in various Spanish diplomatic legations, appears with a bundle of documents belonging to his profession.  In other portraits, as the one one done by Bernat López of José María Díez de Aznar, adviser to the Kings Carles IV and Ferran VII, the type of document that accompanied the characters was a personal letter, which appears closed so that they can't read it.

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