A Simple Man Lays his Cloak at the Feet of Saint Francis as a Child

Not on view
Artists / Makers / Authorities: 
Antoni Viladomat
Barcelona, 1678-1755
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Circa 1729-1733

192 x 235 cm

Permanent loan from the Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, 1902; acquired 1906

Inventory number: 


Series on the life of Saint Francis, made up of 20 pictures, all of which can be found at the MNAC. From the former convent of Sant Francesc, Barcelona.
Oil on canvas
Century: 18th
Subject: Religion
Antoni Viladomat - Un boig estén la capa perquè hi passi per sobre sant Francesc nen - Cap a 1729-1733
Un boig estén la capa perquè hi passi per sobre sant Francesc nen